The Pet Palace has been recognized many times over the years by pet professionals and various publications as being rated tops in overall facility features, and most friendly staff. Due to the layout, policies, and procedures, The Pet Palace was recognized as one of the best dog and cat boarding facilities in the U.S. by Behaviorist Lee Mannix. The Pet Palace is very proud to have been selected as a featured kennel by the Pet Care Services Association. Due to The Pet Palaces’ reputation and layout, they have drawn numerous prospective kennel owners to tour some have even taken part in The Pet Palaces’ day-to-day activities prior to opening a facility of their own. Many have since reported back to have patterned many features and procedures of their kennels after The Pet Palace.
● 2009 Houston “A” List Runner up BEST Pet Supplies
● 2012 Houston “A” List Finalist for Best Pet Supplies
● 2012 Pet Talk Henrietta’s Reader’s Choice Awards Runner up “Most Friendly Staff”
● 2012 Pet Talk Henrietta’s Reader’s Choice Awards “Most Unique Service- the Limo Service at The Pet Palace”
● 2015 “Worker of the Year” award reception for National Disability Employment Awareness
● A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau
● A+ Rating on Angie’s List
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